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Zelda Awsome!

Since N64 came out The Legend of Zelda were really good games for its graphics and for the size of the Island that you are on to explore. Since the Gamecube came out you thought, wow a Zelda game for gamecube would be awsome. The graphics would be grate and you would be able to explore more witch would make the game better. You are Absulutly correct. The game is absulutly huge. On March 24th Zelda will come out and ill review the game for yeah. Im really excited to get this game.

A Real Good Game!

When Playstation Came out the came out with a disapointing game, Timspliters. It could have been a real good game but it wasnt. Well Playstation 2 is going to make up for that game with Timespliters 2. The game has the same game options that Perfect Dark. If you dont know Perfect Dark came out for the Nintendo 64 system. So if you like Perfect Dark you'll love Timespliters 2. It has Counter Opertive Missions and of course Single Player Mission and it also has MultiePlayer. The One thing Perfect Dark didn't have was a option to make your own MultiePlayer Maps but Timespliters 2 does. Timespliters 2 is coming out in September for Playstion 2 and Nintendo Gamecube. So I would recomend to buy this game once it comes out.